5th Bruker FTIR and Raman User Meeting
CEITEC Nano RI (Czechnanolab) and Optik Instruments (BRUKER) inviting you to the 5th Bruker FTIR and Raman User Meeting.
WHEN: November 3rd 2022, the event starts at 10:00
WHERE: CEITEC BUT, Building S, Purkyňova 123, lecture hall, 1st floor
CEITEC Nano RI (Czechnanolab) and Optik Instruments (BRUKER) inviting you to the 5th Bruker FTIR and Raman User Meeting.
The morning session will be held in the Czech language. After an introduction to Bruker instrumentation and innovations in the field of molecular vibrational spectroscopy, the lecture of the representative from the CEITEC research centre will follow. The main part of the morning session will consist of user lectures focused on the practical use of our instruments for industrial and routine applications. The afternoon session will be focused on scientific applications.
We also offer excursions in the laboratory of research infrastructure CEITEC Nano before the official start of the event.